February 3, 2012

February 3, 2012–There is never really a bad time for puppets.  Well, there are certainly inappropriate times and awkward times but no especially bad times for puppets.   It is a wonder why I have yet to blog about puppets, specifically ‘Muppets’ as, well if you follow the blog or know me, is the name of my dear dog.  Muppet looks like like Jim Henson personally stitched him together, and acts like he’s starring in his own Muppet-puppet movie.  Jim Henson has a foundation devoted to just that, puppets, or if you want to get technical, the art of puppetry.

The Jim Henson Foundation began in 1982 to support those keeping puppetry alive with grants, as well as public awareness events.  Although the Foundation is American, the benefits from what is supported are reaped on an international scale.   For ten years, The Jim Henson Foundation has produces the largest international festival dedicated to puppet theater.  This festival began after the death of Jim Henson in 1992.  The Foundation’s grants are behind some of the largest puppet shows to date, including MacArthur Fellow Julie Taymor, who directed the Broadway hit ‘The Lion King.’  Even here in Vancouver we can ventured only slightly south to see a puppet show in Seattle at the Northwest Puppet Center.

To learn more about puppetry and The Jim Henson Foundation, click HERE to visit their website or below.

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