April 22, 2012

April 22, 2012–Happy Earth Day everyone!  How amazing was it today to enjoy the outdoors under sunny skies, especially considering it was also a day off, a day of rest?!  I thoroughly enjoyed Earth Day, and my Sunday.  From my morning at church to my afternoon outside and evening with family, it was an fantastic display of how blessed I am.  So on today, Earth Day, how can we combine faith and environment?  I’ve been lucky enough to have a lot of theology in my life (not that might be a questionable statement for some!) and through my classes, courses, lectures, sermons and the like, I’ve learned that Christians SHOULD be environmentally responsible, and be MORE active in environmental causes than they are currently.  Being a good steward doesn’t mean using the Earth as we see fit, but rather caring for it, nurturing it and being responsible for it–from the sky to the land to the sea, and all the creatures that inhabit it.

A Rocha, a non-profit Christian organization, is helping Christians be good stewards, and helping bring awareness to how this stewardship can be played out through projects, education and research.   2000, A Rocha came into the Canada, and opened its first field study centre in BC near it’s first conservation target area, the Little Campbell Watershed.   Not only does this field centre do research and restoration work on the river, but they offer educational programs, do work on sustainable living and community agriculture.  A Rocha has moved across Canada since 2000, opening a field study centre in Southern Manitoba which focuses on work in the Pembina Valley.  Both these sites are open to volunteers and visitors who wish to learn more about their programs.  A Rocha also offers resources for churches, including sermons, videos, audio files, and guest speakers.  It is their goal to partner with 50 new churches each year to help bring to light the importance of good stewardship and the environment.

To learn more about A Rocha and their impact on the environment as a Christian organization, click HERE to visit their website or on their logo.

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